A proposito di formazione
Indirizzato a
Il Master Universitario è riservato a candidati in possesso del Diploma Universitario o Laurea V.O., Laurea o Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale N.O. in Disegno Industriale, Architettura, Ingegneria e a candidati in possesso di titoli di studio considerati equipollenti. La Commissione si riserva di ammettere candidati in possesso dei suddetti titoli in discipline diverse da quelle sopra elencate, qualora il Master venisse ritenuto un valido completamento della formazione del candidato o delle competenze ed esperienze professionali da questi dimostrate. Per i candidati con titoli di studio conseguiti non in Italia, verranno considerati titoli di studio equivalenti nei rispettivi ordinamenti degli studi.
Un percorso formativo dedicato ai futuri scenari della moda, inclini a contaminazioni tra sport e moda, agonismo e tempo libero, ma anche a tecnologie indossabili per accessori interattivi.
Obiettivi Formativi:
Il Master fornisce competenze nell’ambito della progettazione di prodotti per lo sportswear, sia active che interactive, per il lifestyle in termini di prestazioni innovative nei materiali e nelle tecnologie, per accessori wearables capaci di integrare l’estetica della moda con nuovi contenuti e nuove funzioni date dall’integrazione con le tecnologie indossabili. Il Master forma designer capaci di lavorare tanto nell’ambito dell’abbigliamento sportivo quanto in quelli dello sportswear e agonistico, ma anche in quei settori dove sono richieste competenze in grado di combinare materiali tecnici, nuove tecnologie e performance.
Piano Didattico:
Il designer Fashion Tech ha un ruolo determinante tanto per l’ambito della Moda quanto per quello dello Sportswear e del Lifestyle perchè ha la capacità di unire mondi finora lontani come quelli della moda, dello sport, dell’elettronica e dell’informatica.
Per queste ragioni il Master in Fashion Tech rappresenta uno strumento formativo per un’immediata collocazione professionale.
Il percorso formativo si articola in moduli teorici, workshop più il tirocinio.
Sbocchi Occupazionali:
Gli sbocchi professionali del Master in Fashion Tech riguardano le aree della RICERCA E SVILUPPO come:
- materials researcher
- technologies researcher
- textile researcher
Il costo del master è di € 11.000 (10.500 € costo del Master + 500 € tassa di iscrizione al Politecnico di Milano) ESENTE IVA ART. 10 DPR 633/72.
a Milano
Al termine del corso, al superamento dell’esame finale, verrà rilasciato il diploma di Master Universitario di I livello del Politecnico di Milano in Fashion Tech: From active to interactive fashion, sportswear and lifestyle design. Il Master rilascia 60 CFU equivalenti a 60 ECTS.
Date e orari
- 27 Oct. 2025 - 31 Dec. 2026
60 CFU
Didactic Modules
The Master’s teaching consists of 9 modules divided into frontal theoretical lectures, project tools, and project workshops:
Creativity and Innovation
Fashion Design Modelling
Fashion Design Graphics and Representation
Fashion Tech Lifestyle
Performance Sportswear
Interactive Fashion
Fashion Design: Presentation and Portfolio
From active wear to interaction design, from sustainability to lifestyle design, the course provides an overview of innovative fashion products – with insights into sustainable production techniques, traditional and innovative materials and their applications through best practice case studies.
The topics covered in the theoretical insights concern the world of creativity and innovation for the fashion industry, in particular:
Sportswear today
Trend Forecasting
Wearables Design
New Technologies and New Materials
The tools lessons are dedicated to graphics and digital modelling through the use of dedicated software.
The Fashion Design Graphics and Representation module consists of 32 hours and is oriented towards conveying knowledge on the use of visual languages and related tools and techniques aimed at the representation of the project. The module will be divided into lessons dedicated to graphics, through the use of software such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Indesign, and photography lessons. The module is aimed at transferring to the students the skills to develop and tell their ideas and projects effectively through visual language.
The Fashion Design Modelling module includes 40 hours dedicated to teaching 3D modelling tools (Clo 3D – license to be provided by the student). The teaching is aimed at fostering knowledge of 3D design software for fashion products with particular attention to aesthetics and the rules of photo-realistic representation.
Workshops are educational activities oriented towards field experimentation and involve the development of projects by students, carried out under the supervision of professionals in the field, from the briefing phase to research, from conceptualisation to design and final presentation.
The workshops are
ACTIVEWEAR (2 weeks)
SPORTSWEAR (2 weeks)
During the workshops the students will have the opportunity to develop both group and individual projects.
Knowing how to communicate one’s projects, what facilitates and improves understanding of them, is today fundamental for presenting oneself to the world of work. The 40-hour module aims to provide technical skills for the creation of professional portfolios and ways of self-promotion to students leaving the training course. The final output will be a collection of the work realised during the course. The students will be supported with theoretical lessons and revisions with the aim of selecting the most important works, editing them and presenting them in the most effective form.
The internship represents one of the most qualifying experiences of the Master’s programme. The 425-hour curricular traineeship consists in experimenting, in a company context, the skills learnt during the theoretical lectures and design workshops, on the basis of a training project jointly agreed upon by POLI.design and the host company.
The final examination will consist in the presentation and discussion of the projects developed during the entire Master course before the scientific commission.