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Master in Photography

Master e Corsi di Raffles Milano

Master in Photography

Raffles Milano
  • In aula a Milano

Prezzo: Consultare

Raffles Milano

A proposito di formazione

Indirizzato a

Candidates with a degree in photography, videomaking and cinema, visual design or advertising, visual arts; or with a professional experience in photography, visual communication, or other relevant communication fields. This Master course addresses all those who wish to know ad deepen their knowledge of contemporary photography themes, by transforming passion into a profession, with a special attention to redefining the contemporary photography context. Particular attention is given to publishing and shooting, by creating a personal portfolio.


- portfolio
- copy of bachelor’s degree/Graduation certificate
- Knowledge of English language


A wide-ranging perspective in the world of photography, with teachers from the most important international agencies: from reportage to collecting, from advertising to corporate publishing, from organizing exhibitions to picture editing. Lessons in digital techniques, storytelling, photography theory and practice, videomaking accompany classroom time with the great and recognized masters. A Master course designed for those who want to deepen their knowledge in contemporary photography, transforming their passion into a profession. The months leading up to the conclusion of the Master are dedicated to the creation of the personal portfolio.


Graduates can pursue opportunities as a photographer, publishing specialist, video maker, photo editor, photography curator, commercial photographer, photojournalist or other similar career paths in the world of art and design.


a Milano


- Raffles certificate.

- The Master's program is accredited by the Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome. Therefore, at the end of the course, Raffles Milano issues to the student who has successfully completed the course, a Certificate of Attendance. Upon consideration, the same student may obtain the Diploma accredited by the Marconi University of Rome, provided he or she has previously obtained a recognized three-year DALP degree.

Date e orari

Data di inizio: November.


10 months. 620 ore


The course includes the following topics:

- Context of Italian and international photography
- Creativity and creation of new projects
- Advertising and corporate
- Fashion, beauty and portraiture
– Still life
- Photojournalism and photo editing
- Storytelling
- Technology and digital creativity
- Portfolio creation

In addition to these subjects, students will have the opportunity to visit galleries and photographic exhibitions in urban settings and beyond, as well as have the opportunity to exhibit their own work. Students will have the opportunity to meet and learn from nationally and internationally renowned photographers.


A differenza dei Master tradizionali i Master Raffles Milano portano in aula saperi in azione grazie a 10 figure della fotografia ai vertici del mercato che si alternano in aula nell’arco dei dieci mesi.

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