A proposito di formazione
Master in Digital Health: Engineering and Managing High-Quality Medical Software and Systems in inglese
The Giustino Fortunato Telematic University establishes, for the Academic Year 2023/24, the First Level International University Master’s Degree Course in “Digital Health: Engineering and Managing High-quality Medical Software and Systems“, pursuant to Art. 3, paragraph 9, of Italian Ministerial Decree No. 270 of 22 October 2004 and subsequent amendments/integrations and in accordance with the First and Second Level University Master’s Regulations.
The Master’s programme is aimed at graduates who wish to acquire advanced knowledge in the design, engineering and management of advanced health systems, including those based on Artificial Intelligence technologies. The training course aims to develop skills, also from a managerial perspective, of the analysis, design and control functions of complex health systems. The focus will be on
I) system certification issues according to current regulations;
II) quality requirements and objectives;
III) sector standards;
IV) verification and validation tools;
V) development, management and control processes; and
VI) the most advanced founding technologies (i.e., Machine Learning, IoT, etc.).
The Master’s Degree Course is divided into modules (60 CFU in total) including specific topics, functional to the disciplines object of study.
1.500 horas. 60 ECTS
The Master's Degree Course is divided into modules (60 CFU in total) including specifictopics, functional to the disciplines object of study, according to the following schedule:
MODULE I - Quality Management, Project- Management and Risk- Management
The module focuses on the main aspects of product and process quality. In particular, it introduces theprocesses of project management, risk management and incident management, industry standards(ISO 13485, ISO 14971, IEC 64234, etc.) and the issues of certification of Medical Devices and Softwareas a Medical Device in the European context.
MODULE II - IoT &Embedded Systems forHealthcare
The module presents an introduction to embedded systems, IoT and embedded IoT systems. Thenseveral applications for the healthcare sector are introduced, including tele-monitoring and telemedicine services.
MODULE III - Biomedicalequipment
The module introduces the main classes of biomedical equipment and biomedical equipment software.Biomedical equipment with special reference to diagnostic imaging will be analysed by describing theirconnection in the hospital network and the remote management of stateof-the-art equipment.Predictive approaches with AI software for machine maintenance and repair will be described.
MODULE IV - AI formedicine
The module presents an overview of artificial intelligence and machine learning methods andalgorithms, discussing their properties and showing examples of their use in different applicationscenarios related to the health domain. The module will complement the theoretical study with anexperimental part in which it will show how artificial intelligence and machine learning methods andtechniques can be used to solve problems in the health domain. That is, starting from a correctformulation of the problem of interest, with the choice of the most appropriate approach or algorithm,and providing indications and examples on how to organise and conduct an experimental validation ofthe results obtained.
MODULE V - Softwareengineering
The module presents healthcare software development processes and frameworks (including V-modeland Scrum), object and component-based SW design techniques, design patterns, design controls andsoftware testing techniques and tools.
MODULE VI - ElectronicHealth Recordsand related Standards
The module presents the architectural models, the main enabling technologies and health informaticsstandards (such as DICOM, HL7 CDA2, HL7 FHIR, IHE profiles) necessary to realise syntactically andsemantically interoperable health information systems. Particular emphasis will be placed on ITsystems supporting e-health applications, such as electronic health records and the electronic healthrecord.
MODULE VII - DataAnalytics for Healthcare
The module focuses on technologies and standards for managing and exploiting Big Data. Tools andmethodologies for Big Data management, Business Intelligence and Visual Analytics will be presented.
MODULE VIII - ImprovingTechnical English
The module aims to provide the terminology of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), with a focus ontechnical English, while consolidating the basic grammatical structures of standard English. TechnicalEnglish refers to a common core language used in numerous professional fields: science, technology,medicine, IT etc. The acquisition of technical-specialist terminology not only facilitates written and oralcommunication between native and non-native speakers, but also reduces the risk of errors. Originallylimited to the aviation industry, today it serves as a common basis for a variety of occupations and playsan important role for many professional profiles including engineers, doctors, technologists andcomputer scientists.
The company internship is designed to enable students to develop a project of industrial interest withthe guidance of company managers. The final consists of a discussion of the paper developed at theend of the placement.